Zoomable Pictures of the Chapter 11 Spreadsheet Figures

There is a lot of information in the chapter 11 figures showing the Technology Radar spreasheet. Here are zoomable versions.

Figure 11-4

A Google spreadsheet used to gather blips containing some example data in each of the fields. A picture of a google spreadsheet for gatheting tech radar blips.

Figure 11-5

Selection of raw, unsorted blip data after gathering but before sorting and filtering, focusing, and positioning. A picture of a google spreadsheet showing raw tech radar blips immediately after gathering.

Figure 11-6

Selection of sorted and filtered blip data, ready for focusing and positioning. A picture of a google spreadsheet showing sorted and filtered tech radar blips.

Figure 11-7

Selection of focused blips. A picture of a google spreadsheet showing filtered tech radar blips.

Figure 11-8

Selection of blips and their votes (“description” and “source” columns hidden). A picture of a google spreadsheet showing tech radar blips and votes about which ring they belong in.

Figure 11-10

Setting the blips from the last edition of your radar to “isNew=false”. A picture of a google spreadsheet showing setting previous blips to "isNew=FALSE".