The Facilitating Software Architecture Community

A major theme of Facilitating Software Architecture is that you take the elements you need, dump the aspects you don’t, and hold the space for architectural practice and a culture of learning.

Part of that culture is hopefully sharing with others, and that’s what the commmunity space is for. Backed by a Github discussion space, my hope is that I can help readers of the book, at the same time as learning from all of you. More importantly, I’m hoping you can learn from each other too.

I’ll keep a close eye on the discussions to make sure everyone is included and that it is a safe environment for everyone to contribute, to challenge, and to fail / learn. (If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly).

I’m also hoping community members will want to contribute articles, examples, templates, links to talks and more. I’ll never include anything on this site without the express permission of the contributor, but the less its my voice, and the more it everyone’s, the better.